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CVT Clutch self-learning

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Home>>Maintenance and repair>>CVT clutch adaption

Clutch self-learning adaptation is a wonderful procedure. It can compensate the tolerance of the product, the ware of the parts inside TR and the torque accuracy of the engine. Clutch adaptation ensures CVT clutch engages and tale off smoothly after car produced and the lifetime of the car.
It has two type of clutch adaptation, end of line adaptation and life time adaptation. OEM and dealers are responsibility for end of line adaptation. Here we descript life time adaptation which can perform by our CVT users.
Whenever our CVT users fell clutch engage or take off not so smooth, we can perform clutch adaptation to improve it. CVT clutch adaption can be automatic adjusted when CVT users perform shifting action. Here is the step how a CVT user can perform clutch adaptation:

1)It is must be braking during the whole process and at the same time perform shifting action. First step, shift to N and wait for 5seconds.

2)Then shift to D and wait 5 seconds

3)Then shift to N and wait 5 seconds

4)Then shift to R and also wait 5 seconds

5)At last, shift to N.

The above process is a loop of clutch adaption. And normally we should perform 3-5 times clutch adaptation to get its best engage point. Different oil temperatures need to have different values, so it is better if the user can perform clutch adaptation in different temperature. If winter is coming, the temperature getting lower and lower, if CVT user can perform few times clutch adaptation in the morning with cold condition of the car, that’s will be perfect.
Remarks :
If you replace CVT, TCU and hydraulic unit, you must let profession person like the technician at the dealer to reset old clutch adaption value and do end of line clutch adaptation for your car.