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Clutch adaptation

Category name: I want to perform a


1. uploading new software in the TCU or
2. replacement of transmission or
3. replacement of TCU, 
4. replacement of hydraulic unit

each Transmission Control Unit (TCU) has to be adapted to the CVT prior to first use.
This can be done by executing engagement actions during idle. 
Once this procedure is completed, lifetime adaptation occurs automatically. 


These preconditions need to be met before starting the clutch adaptation procedure
-Stable engine torque and engine rotations per minute (rpm) in idle state are required. Engine adaptation needs to be completed successfully for this. For more information on engine adaptation, please refer to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) supplier’s documentation. 
Engine idle rpm max variation in P or N:         ECU target value +/- 100 rpm
Engine idle torque max variation in P or N:      ECU target value +/- 4Nm
-Engine temperature at least 60°C.
-The transmission oil temperature needs to be between 30°C and 80°C.
-Switch off the air conditioning.
-A not adapted TCU will always request an idle speed lift up till 1150 rpm from the engine

In case the TCU was adapted before, this means in case of 
1. uploading new software in the TCU or 
2. replacement of transmission, 
the clutch adaptation values in the TCU needs to be reset first. 
This is done using the PUNCH MLT tool or the Manufacturer Tester Tool.


When all pre-conditions are fulfilled, the next actions have to be performed:
- Vehicle speed = 0 kph
- Throttle pedal not applied
- Footbrake has to be applied all the time
- Gear lever in “Drive
The EOL clutch adaptation procedure will start automatically.
When something disturbs the clutch adaptation, fault code FC55 (P1774) will be triggered and the transmission warning lamp will constant activated.
As long as the clutch adaptation is not completed, fault code FC51 (P080A) is active and the transmission warning lamp is blinking.
When everything goes smooth, the time needed to complete the adaptation in this gear is about 40 seconds. When the adaptation in this gear is not finished within 120 seconds, the procedure has to be aborted.


When the clutch adaptation in this gear is completed, the engine will rev up to 1500 rpm for a short time as a signal that the next step can start.

Perform high speed test on dynamometer can be ignored for the After sales market.

Please check again if the pre-conditions are fulfilled.
Perform the next actions:
- Vehicle speed = 0 kph
- Throttle pedal not applied
- Footbrake has to be applied all the time
- Gear lever in “Reverse
The EOL clutch adaptation procedure will start automatically.
When something disturbs the clutch adaptation, fault code FC55 (P1774) will be triggered and the transmission warning lamp will constant activated.
As long as the clutch adaptation is not completed, fault code FC51 (P080A) is active and the transmission warning lamp is blinking.
When everything goes smooth, the time needed to complete the adaptation in this gear is about 40 seconds. When the adaptation in this gear is not finished within 120 seconds, the procedure has to be aborted. When the clutch adaptation finishes successfully, the engine will rev up to 1500 rpm for a short time then the engine speed drops to idle speed (850 rpm) and the transmission warning lamp will extinguish.

The sequence of first adaptation in D and then in R is not mandatory. It is also permitted first to perform the adaptation in Reverse and then in Drive.